Non-Technical Interview Questions for Technical People


There are many sample technical questions on the Internet on different programming language topics that you can visit, study, or memorize before your technical interview. But it is as important to be able to answer non-technical questions in the interview. Such questions focuses on the soft skills that you have, how do you perform under … Read more

What is an IP Address?

The IP address is a unique string of numbers used to identify each computer connected to the internet. You can think about it as your physical home address, where letters can be sent to you, or when you send a letter you have to put your address on it as the sender. The IP is … Read more

What is an SDK?

The Software Development Kit, or SDK, is a set of code files bundled together to provide additional features to mobile apps. Most, if not all, mobile developers use one or more SDK in their apps to do certain tasks. For example, photo editing SDK to add effects for a photo, networking SDK to make it … Read more