Why iPhone TouchID doesn’t work after rebooting?

Why iPhone TouchID doesn’t work after rebooting?

You might noticed that after you reboot your iPhone you can't use the touchID and you are forced to enter your PIN or Password in order to use your phone. Here is why, According to Apple, the touchID doesn't store your finger print but rather stores a mathematical representation of it which can only be accessed by the Secure Enclave, which is protected by your…
One Reason Computer Screens Aren’t Green-On-Black Anymore

One Reason Computer Screens Aren’t Green-On-Black Anymore

That is an interesting article on why Computer Screens are not green-on-black anymore. Although, many developers like to have their terminal/IDE screen look like that, myself included, there are other people who finds it uncomfortable, and the reason for that is astigmatism! Apparently, people with astigmatism have a hard time reading white text on a black background, or green text in this case because of…
Print Plugin for Sublime Text

Print Plugin for Sublime Text

Simple Print Function is an awesome plugin for Sublime text editor which allows you to print directly from Sublime. This plugin has been submitted to Package Control now! You can install by selecting Package Control: Add Repository and adding https://github.com/svenax/SublimePrint. Useful Links: Package Control: Simple Print Function on Package Control GitHub Link: https://github.com/svenax/SublimePrint/ Sublime text : http://www.sublimetext.com/
Intro to SailsJS

Intro to SailsJS


SailsJS is a very customizable MVC NodeJS framework that allows you to build Node apps in a matter of days! It is built on top of ExpressJS framework.

What is Node.js?

“Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.” – nodejs.org

Postman – REST Client for your Chrome

Postman – REST Client for your Chrome

Postman is an amazing plugin for Google Chrome, it alows developers to create requests quickly and work easily with REST APIs directly from Chrome without the need to create test or sample apps.


It provide all the needed REST actions such as POST/GET/PUT/DELETE … etc  As well as Formatted API responses for JSON and XML