Mobility is defined as the convenience of having the information and its social aspect available on the go across different screen sizes and devices. Mobility is totally different that Mobile, and a lot of people mix them up.

Think of Mobile as the hardware and the infrastructure, and Mobility as the context that makes everything works together. Businesses usually think about Mobile and ignore mobility. For example, they will have a mobile app present in the relative app stores, but they don’t have any visibility on mobility. They more focus on the devices, the market, the users, and apps growth.

Imagine as you are using your smartphone device(s), walking around, on the go, being online and connected, and browsing the social media. See how efficient and easy that is? Yes, thats Mobility.

Of course, there is much more to discuss in this topic, but this was just a quick comparison between the two. Check the slide below about how tablets are changing how government work.  (Samsung Business USA)


[slideshare id=46089479&doc=tab-infographic-tabsingov-mar15fs-150320121036-conversion-gate01]
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